No, there are no Gibbons woodcarvings in Trafalgar Square, nor even in the National Gallery which stands behind the square. We visited the National Gallery to see other artwork and found this Gibbons statue standing in the front lawn. … another British king dressed as a Roman emperor. King James II in bronze is documented to have been commissioned to Gibbons’ shop by Tobias Rustat, Yeoman of the Robes for Charles II. Documentation beyond that point is scant. Beard tells us that Gibbons farmed out “to model and make it” to two Flemish men. This is yet another instance of not knowing who did the original design work. Gibbons? Quellin? The Flemish artists?
Hmmm. Look at the sandals; the same as on the Charles II statue. I still like them.
Oh, by the way…

Just in case you’re near Trafalgar Square and want to snail-mail something from that post office you saw listed over on Regent Street, don’t walk half way to Scotland looking for a big store-front “Royal Post” office. It’s a tiny window at the very back of the Ryman stationer store at #11 Regent Street. DAHIKT
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